Tracks preparers

Chantilly and Vincennes range

Synchro2 Chantilly Franquet

Synchro2 Chantilly

Synchrofibre Franquet

Synchro Fibre

Synchro 2 chantilly Franquet, matériel pour entretien des pistes hippiques

Synchrospire Chantilly

Outil Franquet Vincennes


About us

French manufacturer since 1946, Franquet designs, develops and builds materials for soil preparation.

Since 1996, Franquet started designing with passion and commitment, the perfect equipment necessary for training centers and racetracks to the greatest benefit of the performance and safety of the racehorse.

This commitment quickly led to a very tight partnership with France Galop technical team in Chantilly. New track conditioners and harrows specifications are systematically discussed with our Partner while test and development phases are carried on both at our factory as well as on site in Chantilly.

Vocation of our company always is to be as close as possible to our clients by fully involving them in our innovations and developments.

A french designed and manufactured product

As part of maintaining its core values, Franquet has chosen French design and manufacture

An awarded recognised quality

Exclusive and incomparable patents.

Useful innovation is at the heart of our designs

The engineering and design department is innovative. Adapting ourselves continuously to your needs.

Synchrospire Exclusive and incomparable patents


rouleau qui brise des mottes de terre
Breaks up soil clods
rouleau qui tourne et nivelle le sol
Levels the soil
rouleau qui tasse la terre
Fills up the hollows
rouleau qui s'autodébourre


puce To compact bottom of tracks 

puce To avoid water evaporation

puce To have soft track on top and firm on bottom

puce Regular tracks everywhere

They trust us

Information request

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Contact information

34 route de Prouvais 02190 VILLENEUVE-sur-AISNE FRANCE

+33 (0)3 23 79 74 66

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logo franquet track performance

Contact information

34 route de Prouvais 02190 VILLENEUVE-sur-AISNE FRANCE

+33 (0)3 23 79 74 66

Follow us :

picto facebook pinto youtube

French design and manufacturing

Company member of the Bpifrance Excellence Community

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